Category Archives: Continuous Improvement Resources

ImaginAction System

Would you like to think outside the suggestion box, and implement a proven high-impact employee improvement process?

Free Continuous Improvement GuideFor an overview of how the ImaginAction System can help you transform your employee suggestion process, download our free continuous improvement guide.

With the Continuous Improvement System by Landes & Associates, you can replace the traps of traditional suggestion programs with tools and techniques that get employees engaged in taking continuous action to make improvements – fast and often.

Achieving sustainable competitive advantage in any business requires a systematic process for leveraging the skills and knowledge of every employee to identify and implement improvements on a continuous basis. The ImaginAction System is modeled after a method that has been implemented successfully by numerous Baldrige National Quality Award winners.

Want to know more? Download the Continuous Improvement System Brochure

ImaginAction Workshop

If you are looking for a level of employee engagement that can produce a quantum leap in quality, productivity, customer loyalty, sales, and profitability – our ImaginAction Workshop can be the driver to transform your organization.

Watch this 3-minute video about the ImaginAction Workshop:

Download more info about the ImaginAction Workshop


Real-Life, Real-Time Communication

Did you know that poor communication typically falls in the top three complaints in most employee surveys? If communication is a lightning rod of discontent in your organization, Landes & Associates can help. Using our Real-Life, Real-Time Communication model, we will show you how to create a best-in-class communication system that …

  • Keeps employees connected with essential information when and where they need it
  • Aligns employees continuously with the key goals, priorities and strategies of your organization

Primary communication services:

  • Communication Assessment
  • Communication Planning and Implementation
  • Communication Training

Downloadable documents on Real-Life, Real-Time Communication:Real-Life Real-Time Communication Guide

Read the article by Les Landes published in IABC’s Communication World: Real-Life, Real-Time Communication: More than a function it’s the central nervous system of your organization

Communication System Assessment

We use the following 7 key criteria for “Real-Life, Real-Time Communication” to evaluate how effectively your current approach to communication is meeting the needs of your employees and your organization.

  • Interaction
  • Speed
  • Availability
  • Access
  • Relevance
  • Inclusion
  • Authenticity

Then we offer recommended improvements, as well as support in designing and implementing optimally effective systems, tools and processes.

Communication Planning and Implementation

A comprehensive communication plan is an essential foundation for ensuring that your communication efforts are on target with company priorities. We can help you develop a plan from strategy to implementation, from measurement to evaluation that will enable you to deliver on the expectations that management has for communication support. Then we can help you with all or any part of putting the plan into action.

Communication Training

Professional communicators cannot be solely responsible for effective communication in any organization. We can help your managers and leaders understand how each of them can play a pivotal role in making sure that communication is designed and conducted in way that keeps everyone aligned and aware of the information they need to do their jobs successfully.